Saturday, December 25, 2010

Cooking - using the oven

Saran wrap, wax paper, and paper toweling do not go in the oven. You can use aluminum foil and parchment paper. Parchment paper can burn so be very careful if you choose to use it. If all else fails please read the instructions on any food packaging product before you use it. Remember to never leave the room or house when cooking. Take time to read those cookbooks I gave you.

love mom

Your Electricity Bill

I know that you are now concerned about keeping the lights on, running the air and the heat. You didn't really pay much attention when you were in my house, but that's okay. I don't think you really need to run the air or heat when you are not home. Get thermal pj's for the winter and maybe an electric blanket might help. By no means get a space heater, too many tragic stories in the news.

love mom